Discover the evolution of light and fluorescence in art history, from medieval stained glass to James Turrell's breathtaking installations.
Italian designer Joe Colombo's imaginative furniture, like the Elda Chair and Boby Trolley, fused art and function, leaving a lasting design impact.
Artists have explored being buried alive, merging discomfort and fear into their art. From Keith Arnatt to Mike Parr, discover their intense works.
Roberts' "Rejected" (1883) and Pope's "The Rejected Poet" (1809) show the impact of rejection. Adams' Only Rejected Works Gallery celebrates resilience.
Death, in its myriad forms, is a ubiquitous theme present in art across time and location. The following artists offer a unique spin on morbidity, featuring roadkill in their work.
Frida Kahlo's self-portraits reveal a unique journey of self-identity, shaped by trauma, culture, and femininity, securing her legacy.
The image of the introverted, solitary artist has persisted for centuries, ingraining itself in our cultural storytelling and fostering the notion that the artistic journey is inherently lonely. The embrace...
Drones are best known for capturing scenic aerial views. Artists and designers now use these unmanned vehicles to create 3D immersive experiences. From presidential speeches to Amazon’s Prime Video movie...
Aside from cultural and religious traditions valuing the egg, artists caught onto this symbolism and implemented eggs into their paintings as early as the 15th century. Film directors then followed,...
Pushing boundaries is no new concept in the art world. Many artists push literal boundaries by creating artworks that leave the two-dimensional world, breaking free from frames and canvases to...