The year marks the 30th anniversary of Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List. His three-hour film tells the compelling story of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who resisted the Nazi Party...
We can walk our way backward in history in this timeline of artistic and technological innovation as a way to appreciate the early age of photography as an art form...
Whether you are looking to learn more about your favorite artist or searching for your next date-night movie, we cover four artists who experimented with films that will leave you...
If you ever find yourself in Denver, Colorado, you’ll encounter two of its most iconic sculptures, I See What You Mean, a blue bear, and Blucifer, a blue Mustang, created...
Wolfgang Beltracchi was working and needed more zinc to create white pigments for his paintings. After obtaining some from a supplier in the Netherlands, he continued to work on "Red...
Sound art is among one of the most versatile genres of art. It can be made from recycled materials, installed, painted, or touched, it can be musical, it can be...
When studying art history, the names of artists hold a special significance in identifying personal styles. For example, one can easily identify an abstract, fragmented Cubist work as being that...
Synesthesia—a neurological condition that occurs when certain sounds cause a person to see specific shapes or colors, or when a name triggers a mental image instantaneously—is the closest experience humans...
In March, American artist Trenton Doyle Hancock installed CAMH COURT, the first-ever playable basketball in a museum setting. According to the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston’s website, the work is celebrating...
The Sagrada Familia, being one of Barcelona’s most historical basilicas, has been through many adversities since its development began in 1882. This raises many questions if the Barcelona City Council...