
Recycled Record, Christian Marclay, 1980. Image courtesy of artist collection.

Emma Livingston

Can You Hear That? It's Sound Art

Sound art is among one of the most versatile genres of art. It can be made from recycled materials, installed, painted, or touched, it can be musical, it can be...

Master of the Embroidered Foliage Virgin and Child in a Landscape

Taylor Hunt

Anonymity in Art

When studying art history, the names of artists hold a special significance in identifying personal styles. For example, one can easily identify an abstract, fragmented Cubist work as being that...

 Wassily Kandinsky, Sketch for Several Circles, 1926. Image courtesy of New Orleans Museum of Art.

Emma Livingston

The Fascinating Phenomenon of Synesthesia and Art

Synesthesia—a neurological condition that occurs when certain sounds cause a person to see specific shapes or colors, or when a name triggers a mental image instantaneously—is the closest experience humans...

CAMH-COURT, Image Courtesy of CAMH Website.

Emma Livingston

When Basketball and Art Collide: Trenton Doyle ...

In March, American artist Trenton Doyle Hancock installed CAMH COURT, the first-ever playable basketball in a museum setting. According to the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston’s website, the work is celebrating...

Sagrada Familia

Rosella Parra

The Sagrada Familia: the Basilica That’s Never ...

The Sagrada Familia, being one of Barcelona’s most historical basilicas, has been through many adversities since its development began in 1882. This raises many questions if the Barcelona City Council...

Rainbow Crosswalk in San Fracisco, Image courtesy of Sergio Ruiz

Emma Livingston

Crosswalk Art: Beautifying Cities and Saving Lives

Marked crosswalks have become an essential and expected part of daily life today. In order to avoid more fatal accidents, the appearance of the crosswalk continues to evolve. One new...

Decomissioned Shoe

Rosella Parra

Shoes in Contemporary Art

Anything is possible with the right shoes. But have you ever wondered what kind of impact shoes make in the world of art apart from fashion? How are artists utilizing...

Moses by legendary sculptor Michelangelo pictured close up.

Taylor Hunt

Hyperrealism in Sculpture

Hyperrealistic sculpture is a breathtaking glance into the human condition. By perfecting each detail of human anatomy with striking realism, these artists can execute social commentary about the state of...

Contre-Reliefs (1914) by Vladimir Tatlin. Image courtesy of Virtual Russian Museum.

Janine Mae Dela Cueva

Art in Motion: Kinetic Sculpture

The art world is constantly changing with time, and by the 1970s, digital art forms started to emerge and kinetic art has since slowed down—but not completely gone. Kinetic art...